Executive Directors
Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva. Mr. Gomes da Silva has a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a Law degree from Faculdade Milton Campos. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee (USA). He is the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Wembley S.A., Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – CTNM, Empresa Nacional de Comércio, Crédito e Participações S.A., Encorpar and Companhia Tecidos Santanense. He is the chairman of the board of diretors of Cantagalo General Grains S.A. e da CGG Trading S.A.. He is currently the chief executive officer of the following companies: José Alencar Gomes da Silva – Participações e Empreendimentos S.A., Fazenda do Cantagalo Ltda., Econorte – Empresa Construtora Norte de Minas Ltda and Ecopar – Empresa de Comércio e Participações Ltda, Coteminas S.A., Oxford Com e Part.S.A., and Seda S.A.. Mr. Gomes da Silva is chairman of the board of directors of AMMO Varejo S.A.; and he is the chief executive officer and a board member of Springs Global Participações S.A.. Mr. Gomes da Silva is a member of the board of directors and former chairman of the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (Institute of Studies for Industrial Development), or IEDI, former chief executive officer of Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção (the Brazilian Association of Textile and Apparel Industry), or ABIT and vice-chairman of Conselho de Empresários da América Latina – CEAL. Mr Gomes da Silva is the chief executive officer of FIESP – Federação da Industrias do Estado de São Paulo and of ITMF – “International Textile Manufacturers Federation”.
Pedro Garcia Bastos Neto. Mr. Neto has an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and in economic engineering from Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Minas Gerais. He attended the specialization course of administration under an agreement between Columbia University and Fundação João Pinheiro. He attended an executive textile course in ETIQT in 1976, in addition to several professional improvement courses at Fundação João Pinheiro, SENAI and FIEMG. Mr. Bastos Neto was a technical assistant and head production engineer at Celite Indústria e Comércio S.A. and an executive officer at Indústria de Azulejos Pirapora S.A. e Poliplan—Polígono Planejamento S.A. He is currently the executive vice-president of Coteminas and has been Springs Global’s executive vice-president since January 24, 2006.
Board of Directors
João Gustavo Rebello de Paula. Mr.de Paula is graduated in Mechanical Engineering by UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais, has a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) by Kelly School Of Business, Indiana University (USA). Mr. de Paula is director of Farpal Agropastoril e Participações Ltda, a company that operates in the agrobusinesses; Econorte- Empresa Construtora Norte de Minas Ltda., a society of the civil engineering sector; and Ecopar- Empresa de Comércio e Participações Ltda, a society of investments and participations. He also worked as director of new business for the Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – COTEMINAS between 1995 and 1997 and as an associate consultant at Booz-Allen & Hamilton, between 1993 and 1995. He is currently a member of the board of Directors of Springs Global Participações S. A, of the Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – COTEMINAS, of AMMO Varejo S.A., and of the Companhia Tecidos Santanense.
Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva. Mr. Gomes da Silva has a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a Law degree from Faculdade Milton Campos. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee (USA). He is the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Wembley S.A., Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – CTNM, Empresa Nacional de Comércio, Crédito e Participações S.A., Encorpar and Companhia Tecidos Santanense. He is the chairman of the board of diretors of Cantagalo General Grains S.A. e da CGG Trading S.A.. He is currently the chief executive officer of the following companies: José Alencar Gomes da Silva – Participações e Empreendimentos S.A., Fazenda do Cantagalo Ltda., Econorte – Empresa Construtora Norte de Minas Ltda and Ecopar – Empresa de Comércio e Participações Ltda, Coteminas S.A., Oxford Com e Part.S.A., and Seda S.A.. Mr. Gomes da Silva is chairman of the board of directors of AMMO Varejo S.A.; and he is the chief executive officer and a board member of Springs Global Participações S.A.. Mr. Gomes da Silva is a member of the board of directors and former chairman of the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (Institute of Studies for Industrial Development), or IEDI, former chief executive officer of Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção (the Brazilian Association of Textile and Apparel Industry), or ABIT and vice-chairman of Conselho de Empresários da América Latina – CEAL. Mr Gomes da Silva is the chief executive officer of FIESP – Federação da Industrias do Estado de São Paulo and of ITMF – “International Textile Manufacturers Federation”.
João Batista da Cunha Bomfim. Mr. Bomfim is a professional accountant, graduated in Law. He made several courses in Tax law, Labor law and Business Administration—ADF (UFMG) and also completed a financial analysis course at Fundacao Joao Pinheiro. Currently Mr. Bomfim is an officer of CTNM, Wembley S.A., Empresa Nacional de Comércio, Credito e Participacões S.A.—ENCORPAR, Companhia de Tecidos Santanense, and OXFORD Com. e Part. S.A..; and he is a member of Springs Global’s board of directors.
Josué Gomes de Alencar.Economist and entrepreneur in the technology segment, having founded two startups Aaura and Liga, the second focusing on social responsibility and public safety. Mr. Alencar has more than 10 years of experience in technology. Mr. Alencar has been at the forefront of AMMO Varejo’s digital initiative since 2016. Mr. Alencar brings a new perspective to the business, implementing improvements in the customer experience, sustainable innovations, ensuring greater production with less impact and investing in industry 4.0
Antônio Adriano Silva. Graduated in Business Administration from UNA – Universidade de Negócios e Administração (University of Business and Administration) and specialization in Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Communication. Mr. Silva advises the President of Coteminas and takes care of the Institutional Relations of Coteminas. Mr. Silva headed the Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil for two terms, from 2003 to 2010. Mr. Silva was a member of the Board of Directors of CEMIG, INFRAERO and CONTAX.
Rodrigo Santos Nogueira. Economist and businessman, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Itaúna – MG and a postgraduate degree in Financial Administration (IBMEC-MG), Finance (FGV-RJ), Financial Management for Banks (FDC-MG) and an Executive MBA and Advanced Management in Business (INEPAD/FGV). Mr. Nogueira had a career at Banco do Brasil, where he worked for 35 years, his last positions being Chief Executive Officer of BB Tecnologia e Serviços (2017-2018) and Chief Executive Officer of BB Previdência (2015/2016). He is currently a member of the Fiscal Council of BrasilPrev and the Audit Committee of Banco Votorantim, serving on several Boards of Directors, Deliberative and Fiscal, since 2021.
José Domingos do Prado. Bachelor in economics and accounting sciences from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, specialization course in strategy from INSEAD, MBA from
FIPECAFI, professional master’s degree in economics from Fundação Getulio Vargas and academic master’s degree in economics from the Federal University of ABC. He was an audit partner at Deloitte and Arthur Andersen and CEO of Pryor Outsourcing.
Fiscal Council
João Martinez Fortes Júnior. Accountant and member of the fiscal council of Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – COTEMINAS and Springs Global Participações SA
Michael John Morrell. Graduated in accounting and administration, with undergrad and MBA degrees from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Certified Counselor by IBGC and a member of the People and International Committees. Mr. Morrell was a partner at Deloitte and Arthur Andersen, having worked in the areas of Auditing, Human Resources, among others. Currently, Mr. Morrell is an independent consultant on corporate governance matters, executive coach, chairman of the Advisory Board of Assetz Expert Recruitment and Junior Achievement São Paulo, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Everis, and of the Management Board of Baptist Church of Morumbi.
Cícero Przendsiuk. Graduated in Administration (FESP), with a specialization in Finance (EPGE/FGV), MBA in Logistics (FUNDACE/FEA-RP), MBA in Advanced Management Business (UFMT/INEPAD) and MBA in Shares & Stock Picking (IBMEC). He is certified by IBGC as a Management Advisor. Mr. Przendsiuk is a counselor and executive with more than 30 years of experience in the financial market, and is currently vice-president of Icipe-Institute of Childhood Cancer and Specialized Pediatrics. He was director of governance of related entities at Banco do Brasil SA (2016-19) and executive director of governance at Cia. Brasileira de Soluções e Serviços-Alelo (2011-14). He worked as an executive in the development of governance practices, business structuring, review of corporate agreements, alliances and strategic partnerships. He was a member of the Deliberative Council of Previ-Caixa de Previdência dos Pessoas do BB (2018-20), the Board of Directors of Elopar (2016-19), BBTS (2015-16) and Tecban (2004-09). He was a member of the Supervisory Board of Elektro Redes SA (2019-20), BB Elo Cartões Participações (2011) and Elopar (2011). He also participated in the Committees of Corporate Governance at Cielo (2016-19) and Remuneration and Human Resources at Banco BV (2017-19).
César Pereira Vanucci. Mr. Vanucci holds a degree in Law and is a member of the fiscal council of Companhia de Tecidos Norte de Minas – COTEMINAS, Empresa Nacional de Comércio, Rédito e Participações S.A. – ENCORPAR, and Companhia Tecidos Santanense.
José Francisco Santos Quintanilha. Bachelor‘s Degree in Accounting, graduated from the São Luís Faculty of Economics, certified by the IBGC as an Administration Councilor and Fiscal Councilor and a member of the Finance and Accounting Commission of the IBGC. Currently, Mr. Quintanilha works as a business consultant in the areas of Finance, Accounting and Corporate Governance at JFSQ Consultoria. Previously. Mr. Quintanilha worked for 40 years in the areas of Auditing, Accounting and Finance, occupying various executive positions at the companies Grupo CCE – Eletroeletrônico, Sonopress Rimo – Bertelsmann, Farmasa – Laboratories, Intermédica Notre Dame, Grupo Sorana, Cimed – laboratories, TDB Textil (TIP TOP), Tupy Group, AT Kearney, Tecnologia Bancária -Tecban, and Arthur Andersen.
José Ricardo Uchôa Cavalcanti Almeida. Mr. Almeida is an engineer, a career employee at Petrobras, and is currently the CEO at Metanos S.A. and Copenor S.S., since August 2020. From November 2011 to December 2019 he was statutory director of administration and management of Deten Química S.A.